Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Tim Cook: Apple Tak Akan Berubah

sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011 17:19

Tim Cook yang kini menjabat CEO Apple yang baru menggantikan Steve Jobs, dikabarkan telah mengirim memo pertamanya yang ditujukan kepada staff di Apple. Dalam memo tersebut dia mengatakan bahwa 'Apple tak akan berubah'.
Setelah memuji sang mentor, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook kemudian melanjutkan untuk meyakinkan staf bahwa perusahaan akan ‘tetap setia’ kepada perusahaan dan culture yang dibangun oleh Jobs.
Inilah isi memo lengkap Tim Cook sebagaimana dikutip PULSAOnline via techradar:
I am looking forward to the amazing opportunity of serving as CEO of the most innovative company in the world. Joining Apple was the best decision I've ever made and it's been the privilege of a lifetime to work for Apple and Steve for over 13 years. I share Steve's optimism for Apple's bright future.
Steve has been an incredible leader and mentor to me, as well as to the entire executive team and our amazing employees. We are really looking forward to Steve's ongoing guidance and inspiration as our Chairman.
I want you to be confident that Apple is not going to change. I cherish and celebrate Apple's unique principles and values. Steve built a company and culture that is unlike any other in the world and we are going to stay true to that—it is in our DNA. We are going to continue to make the best products in the world that delight our customers and make our employees incredibly proud of what they do.
I love Apple and I am looking forward to diving into my new role. All of the incredible support from the Board, the executive team and many of you has been inspiring. I am confident our best years lie ahead of us and that together we will continue to make Apple the magical place that it is.
Sebagai informasi tambahan, pasca pengunduran diri Steve Jobs sebagai CEO Apple, saham Apple dikabarkan mengalami penurunan. Meski begitu, menurut sumber di techradar, dikatakan bahwa Jobs telah meninggalkan warisan dan perusahaan kepada sepasang tangan yang aman, yakni seorang Tim Cook.

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